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Friday, 28 March 2014

Euro Rats, UK pets and Master Chef.

A very quick post this week.

In fact there isn't much to say as real life has become uncomfortably busy of late, but that's a tale for another day.

Instead I would like to take this opportunity to wish GOOD LUCK to all those fellow bloggers out there who are taking part in this years A to Z challenge.

I too am doing the Challenge and hope to get through to the semi-finals..... (what? there isn't a prize at the end.....Ah DAMN)

There won't be anything on here of any value during the event but the new SINKINGSHIP BLOG will be up and running.

You can join the journey in many ways including TWITTER (right side of the page), GOOGLE PLUS(down at the bottom of the screen) and the BLOG itself (bloody hell, do I have to do everything?!?!?)

Anyway. That's it.

I have nothing else to say apart from the fact there appears to be a lot of news about giant Euro Rats, UK pets giving humans Space AIDS (I've really been paying attention) and Master Chef is back on.... I'm sure there is a theme to all this but I'm knackered and going to bed.

Bugger off.


  1. I can always draw a prize Mr H. . . . in fact I think there is mileage in this, an unofficial rebel I did the A to Z badge . . . . . . I Like It. . . .

  2. Rob
    I can't believe 4 years of A-Z Challenges already. They say that's what happens when you're having fun. I wish you loads of fun during the Challenge, lots of new friends and may you enter many new worlds.
    Happy Challenge.

  3. pretty nice blog, following :)


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